> Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2017 03:00:21 +0000
> From: Zachary Turner via lldb-dev <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org>
> As the person who added most of the support for debugging Windows 
> executables, I can tell you that I never
> tested a MinGW executable (nor was it one of my original goals). It doesn't 
> entirely surprise me that things are
> behaving this way, but I'm not sure what the exact cause would be off the top 
> of my head. MinGW executables
> and msvc Win32 executables use an entirely different ABI, so I would exepct 
> the non lldb-server path to be a
> little wonky since I always assumed MSVC ABI in my implementation.

Are you sure you are talking about MinGW and not Cygwin or MSYS?
Because MinGW executables are native Win32 programs, so much so that
you can load MSVC DLLs from a MinGW program and vice versa.

Or maybe I don't understand what you mean by "ABI".

I did try debugging MinGW-compiled executables with lldb, and it did
work for me, FWIW.

Apologies if by "MinGW" this thread means MSYS/MSYS2.  MSYS is a fork
of Cygwin, and yes, it uses a different ABI, which attempts to emulate
a Posix system on top of Windows.
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