The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on June 14th, 2017.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

This edition will be particularly busy (and interesting !) as we are
delighted to welcome 3 guest speakers:

   - Hal Finkel (Argonne National Laboratory) will present a shortened and
   updated version of his EuroLLVM'17 keynote "*Exascale computing, LLVM,
   and representations of parallelism*". He will also present the work he
   has done on a type sanitizer.
   - David Chisnall (Cambridge University) will talk about "*Targeting
   architectures where pointers are not integers with LLVM*".
   - Tobias Grosser (ETH Zürich) will present the "*Efforts to make Polly
   production quality*".

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
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  • [lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: ... Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev

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