Basic PDB support is in LLDB if you're running on Windows.  LLDB has a
SymbolFilePDB plugin that relies on a PDB abstraction in LLVM.  There is
currently just one implementation of that abstraction, and it relies on
DIA, which is a Microsoft-provided DLL on Windows for looking up
information in a PDB.

I'm currently working on a native PDB reader that implements the same
interface without reliance on DIA, so that should eventually provide the
same functionality even if you're not running on Windows.

Browsing through the PDB plugin in LLDB, I see a lot of "//TODO:  Implement
this" methods, so you won't (yet) have rich type information.  But you can
set breakpoints by name, get a stack backtrace, print variable values, etc.

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Vadim Chugunov via lldb-dev <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the current status of LLDB's PDB file parser on Windows?   It was
> announced back in 2015 that PDB support is coming soon, so I was wondering
> where it's at currently.
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