"Robinson, Paul via Openmp-dev" <openmp-...@lists.llvm.org> writes:

> David Greene, will you be at the LLVM Dev Meeting? If so, could you sign
> up for a Round Table session on this topic?  Obviously lots to discuss
> and concerns to be addressed.

That's a great idea.  I will be there.  I'm also hoping to help run a
routable on complex types so we'll need times that don't conflict.  What
times work well for folks?

> (1) Executable tests. These obviously require an execution platform; for
> feasibility reasons this means host==target and the guarantee of having
> a linker (possibly but not necessarily LLD) and a runtime (possibly but
> not necessarily including libcxx).  Note that the LLDB tests and the 
> debuginfo-tests project already have this kind of dependency, and in the
> case of debuginfo-tests, this is exactly why it's a separate project.

Ok.  I'd like to learn more about debuginfo-tests and how they're set

> (2) Non-executable tests.  These are near-identical in character to the
> existing clang/llvm test suites and I'd expect lit to drive them.  The 
> only material difference from the majority(*) of existing clang tests is 
> that they are free to depend on LLVM features/passes.  The only difference 
> from the majority of existing LLVM tests is that they have [Obj]{C,C++} as 
> their input source language.

Right.  These are the kinds of tests I've been thinking about.

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