So to make my previous explanation more concrete:

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:05 AM Jonas Devlieghere <>

> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 10:53 AM Adrian McCarthy <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the info.  Setting Python3_ROOT_DIR solves the problem.
>> Looking at the cmake output from before setting Python3_ROOT_DIR, cmake
>> looks for Python twice and finds it at the two different locations.
>> Early on:
>> -- Found PythonInterp: C:/Python36/python.exe (found version "3.6.8")
^ This is using the "old" (CMake < 3.12) way of finding the Python

>> Which looks good (modulo the incorrect slash direction).  But later:
>> -- Found Python3: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
>> Studio/Shared/Python37_64/python.exe (found version "3.7.5") found
>> components:  Interpreter Development
>> -- Found PythonInterpAndLibs: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
>> Studio/Shared/Python37_64/libs/python37.lib
^ This is using the "new" (CMake > 3.12) way of finding the Python
interpreter and libraries.

>> Which is where the discrepancy comes in.  Note that only C:\Python36 is
>> in my PATH.
>> It's frustrating that this keeps breaking.  Last time, I had to purge all
>> but one Python installation from my machine to get it to make a consistent
>> choice.  But I just upgraded to VS 2019, and it smuggled in its own version.
>> So why are there two searches anyway?  And why do they have different
>> algorithms that lead to different results?  (I'm not sure _how_ it ever
>> found the Microsoft copy, since there's nothing in the process environment
>> that points that way.)
> The reason there's two searches is because LLVM and LLDB have different
> requirements. LLVM just needs a python interpreter to run some scripts.
> LLDB on the other hand needs an interpreter and a matching Python library
> to link against. Before CMake 3.12, finding the interpreter and the
> libraries are two separate calls to find with no guarantees that they
> match. This lead to all kinds of issues, where you're linking against one
> version of Python and then trying to run the test suite with a totally
> different interpreter. There were other problems on Windows, which meant
> that we had our own hand-rolled implementation to find Python.
> This was all fixed in CMake 3.12. With FindPython{2,3} you know you'll
> have a matching interpreter and library. It also fixed all the problems we
> had to work around for Windows. Unfortunately, LLVM's minimum CMake version
> is 3.4, so we can't use it yet. For LLDB on Windows we agreed that the
> benefits of using FindPython3 are worth bumping the minimum required CMake
> version (see lldb/CMakeLists.txt, line 2-4). Once LLVM moves to CMake 3.12
> or later, all these problems should be fixed. We can then call FindPython3
> once and rely on everything being consistent.
>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 10:23 AM Jonas Devlieghere <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Adrian,
>>> Config.h gets generated by expanding the corresponding CMake variables.
>>> If you look at LLDBConfig.cmake, you can see that LLDB_PYTHON_HOME is
>>> computed from PYTHON_EXECUTABLE. The problem appears that somehow CMake
>>> ignored your specified PYTHON_HOME and decided to pick a different Python.
>>> I'm not sure why though, because I use a similar CMake invocation on
>>> Windows.
>>> > cmake ..\llvm-project\llvm -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
>>> -DPYTHON_HOME="C:/Program Files/Python36/"
>>> According to FindPython3 (
>>>, you can
>>> set Python3_ROOT_DIR as a hint. Can you give that a try? If that works we
>>> should populate that variable from PYTHON_HOME in
>>> FindPythonInterpAndLibs.cmake.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jonas
>>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 10:10 AM Adrian McCarthy via lldb-dev <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Is there documentation on how lldb\include\lldb\host\config.h is
>>>> generated?  I'm again having the problem of the config trying to point to
>>>> the wrong Python installation.
>>>> When I run cmake, I explicitly point PYTHON_HOME to C:\Python36 like
>>>> this:
>>>> -DPYTHON_HOME=C:\Python36
>>>> -DLLDB_TEST_COMPILER=D:\src\llvm\build\ninja\bin\clang.exe
>>>> ..\..\llvm-project\llvm -DLLVM_ENABLE_ZLIB=OFF
>>>> -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld;lldb"
>>>> But the generated Config.h contains:
>>>> #define LLDB_PYTHON_HOME "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
>>>> Studio/Shared/Python37_64"
>>>> And the mismatch causes my build to fail because it goes looking for
>>>> python37_d.dll, which is apparently not part of the Microsoft distribution.
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I've put up a patch to use PYTHON_HOME as the hint:
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