Hi LLDB devs,

I'm working on porting LLDB to work with an existing simulator(which has GDB 
stub, remote debugging). This simulator used to work with GDB. When using with 
GDB, the target file(ELF) is loaded by GDB command "load" or "remote put".
From a LLVM talk project which is very similar to my project, their target file 
is loaded by the simulator itself(   ./sim a.out   , 
something like that), and lldb sets breakpoint, use "gdb-remote" command to 
connect to the simulator, the program starts to run immediately and stop at the 
I can't find any lldb command that is equal to "load" in GDB. And right now 
when I use "gdb-remote" to connect lldb to my simulator, lldb has command line 
output "Process 10115 stopped??thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGTRAP??frame 
#0: 0xffffffffffffffff". Does this mean the program has already started to run? 
I haven't loaded the binary.

To sum my questions:
1. Does lldb has similar command like "load/remote put" in GDB?
2. Does "gdb-remote" command in lldb do the "loading binary" job?
3. Will the program start to run immediately after "gdb-remote" command in lldb?
4. Do I have to let my simulator to load the binary by itself?

Kind regards,
lldb-dev mailing list

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