      I have a problem when download llvm10.0.1 and use lldb to debug my
process on windows10 x64 platform. but with no debug point hit.
the command is
(lldb)target create "D:/code/MLExecuteTest.exe"
Current executable set to 'D:/code/MLExecuteTest.exe'  (x86_64)
(lldb)br s -fE:/test/TestFunction.cpp -l1
Breakpoint 1: no locations(pending).
WARNING :  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
Process 16228 launched 'D:/code/MLExecuteTest.exe'
Process 16228 exited with status = 1(0x00000001)
my using detail is  this below:
MLExecuteTest.exe is my process which will first compile the script
 TestFunction.cpp on debug mode  and generate binary code in its memory, of
course binary code has debug information, and then  it use JIT
ExecuteEngine to execute the binary code. I want to know, is llvm 10.0.1
support this using on windows platform. since before we use llvm5.0 on
windows platform is OK, breakpoints can be hit. but while update version to
10.0.1, with same operation ,breakpoints can not be hit. so is llvm10.0.1
support or has any changes on this using on windows platform?

le wang
lldb-dev mailing list

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