Bug ID: 35975
           Summary: Line-number/machine-code offsets break "set next
                    statement" on Windows
           Product: clang
           Version: unspecified
          Hardware: PC
                OS: Windows NT
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P
         Component: LLVM Codegen

A Chromium developer reported that aggressive use of the VC++ debugger command
Set Next Statement worked very reliably with VC++ compiled binaries but
frequently causes crashes with clang-cl compiled binaries. The tracking
Chromium bug is

Specifically, the debug information is generated such that invoking Set Next
Statement for a particular line of C++ code causes the assembly language
instruction pointer to be set to the *third* instruction used to implement that
line of code, instead of the *first* instruction. That means that two
instructions of setup are skipped, which leads to unpredictable results.

As a simple repro, run debug browser_tests.exe --single_process 

and then in this code:
add a breakpoint. When it gets hit, you can move the statement somewhere else
(like repeat the EXPECT_EQ call) and then move it again to the
SetUpCaptivePortalService call. It'll crash in the std::string constructor.

The relevant source code is here:

  // Double-check that the captive portal service isn't enabled by default for
  // browser tests.

  EnableCaptivePortalDetection(browser()->profile(), true);

  // Set the captive portal service to use URLRequestMockCaptivePortalJob's
  // mock URL, by default.

The machine code around the SetUpCaptivePortalService call is here:
0285668C E8 3F 02 00 00       call       
CaptivePortalBrowserTest::EnableCaptivePortalDetection (028568D0h)  
02856691 8D 4E 5C             lea         ecx,[esi+5Ch]  
02856694 8D 05 5B FC 5C 00    lea         eax,[string
"http://mock.captive.portal.test/";... (05CFC5Bh)]  
0285669A 83 EC 04             sub         esp,4  
0285669D 89 04 24             mov         dword ptr [esp],eax  
028566A0 E8 7B 72 61 FE       call       
base::BasicStringPiece<...>::BasicStringPiece (0E6D920h)  
028566A5 8D 8E 94 00 00 00    lea         ecx,[esi+94h]  
028566AB 8B 56 5C             mov         edx,dword ptr [esi+5Ch]  
028566AE 8B 7E 60             mov         edi,dword ptr [esi+60h]  
028566B1 83 EC 08             sub         esp,8  
028566B4 89 14 24             mov         dword ptr [esp],edx  
028566B7 89 7C 24 04          mov         dword ptr [esp+4],edi  
028566BB 89 46 10             mov         dword ptr [esi+10h],eax  
028566BE FF 15 A8 28 DF 0A    call        dword ptr [__imp_GURL::GURL
028566C4 8B 4E 40             mov         ecx,dword ptr [esi+40h]  
028566C7 89 46 0C             mov         dword ptr [esi+0Ch],eax  
028566CA E8 91 73 61 FE       call        InProcessBrowserTest::browser
028566CF 89 C1                mov         ecx,eax  
028566D1 E8 AA 73 61 FE       call        Browser::profile (0E6DA80h)  
028566D6 8D 8E 94 00 00 00    lea         ecx,[esi+94h]  
028566DC 83 EC 08             sub         esp,8  
028566DF 8B 56 40             mov         edx,dword ptr [esi+40h]  
028566E2 89 4E 08             mov         dword ptr [esi+8],ecx  
028566E5 89 D1                mov         ecx,edx  
028566E7 89 04 24             mov         dword ptr [esp],eax  
028566EA 8B 46 08             mov         eax,dword ptr [esi+8]  
028566ED 89 44 24 04          mov         dword ptr [esp+4],eax  
028566F1 E8 6A 02 00 00       call       
CaptivePortalBrowserTest::SetUpCaptivePortalService (02856960h)  

Crucially, if you set a breakpoint on the call to SetUpCaptivePortalService or
if you Set Next Statement to that line of code then you get dropped onto
0285669A. That means that the stack gets adjusted properly (which is good) but
it means that ECX and EAX are not set up. Those are set up starting on 02856691
and if you Set Next Statement from EXPECT_EQ to SetUpCaptivePortalService then
they have the wrong values. They are supposed to be:

EAX = 005CFC5B ECX = 0019D89C

but they are actually:

EAX = 00000000 ECX = 0019D8B4

EAX and ECX are supposed to hold the address of the string used for the
constructor's input and the address of the object. These seem like important

The bad value of EAX means that the string will be treated as a NULL string
instead of "http://mock.captive.portal.test/"; and the incorrect value for ECX
turns into a stack tromp - stack corruption - which can only end in tears.

It looks like the problem would be avoided if the debug information for that
line was offset by two instructions.

Debugging techniques like this make me nervous but it is awesome if they work
in VS and we should try to support them as well as VS does.

My gn args are below. The top four are probably important (fastlink was causing
me problems so I used lld) and the bottom six are less so, but will help with
making the builds fast.

use_lld = true
is_debug = true
is_component_build = true
target_cpu = "x86"

enable_nacl = false
use_jumbo_build = true
goma_dir = "C:\src\goma\goma-win64"
use_goma = true
symbol_level = 2

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