Hi all,

Our problem is about shmem usage so far. After some discussions we believe we have an acceptable solution: add a new flag to odp_shm_reserve(). So far we have ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY and ODP_SHM_PROC, we would like to add something like ODP_SHM_NONCOHERENT or similar. It would allow to keep the default as it is today (and we will support it) but would allow for optimizations where it is performance sensitive. We can discuss the issue during the call and post a patch quickly if everybody agree.

By the way, what is the exact semantic of ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY and ODP_SHM_PROC? From what I can see ODP_SHM_PROC relates to use MAP_ANONYMOUS vs shm_open(), so mainly publishes the name of the mapping (so other processes can use it) and I suspect that ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY relates to things like DMA cache-coherency (well, lack of)?


On 01/18/2016 10:38 AM, Christophe Milard wrote:
This seems to be a common opinion. I think it is nevertheless fair to
give a chance to Nicolas to explain his case.

On 18 January 2016 at 10:02, Ola Liljedahl <ola.liljed...@linaro.org
<mailto:ola.liljed...@linaro.org>> wrote:

    On 15 January 2016 at 15:48, Christophe Milard
    <christophe.mil...@linaro.org <mailto:christophe.mil...@linaro.org>>

        On Tuesday's ARCH call, we will be discussing the above topic.
        Nicolas (Kalray) will try to join, but he is very uncertain  at
        this stage (if he can be there)...

    Cache coherence is the norm today, non-coherent is an exception.
    My opinion: If possible and simple, make public interfaces not
    dependent on cache coherence. The reference implementation could
    depend on cache coherence. Anyone who wants to support non-coherent
    HW needs to provide the necessary support.

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Benoît GANNE
Chief Architect, Kalray
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