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Actually, the definition of '#define ODP_UNUSED(x) (void)(x)' implementation 
was never discussed. We just wrapped "__attribute__((__unused__))" of GCC. 
That's why I'm questioning it here now. What if your compiler X checks for 
unused params but does not support the same or similar attribute *inside* 
function prototype ?

We could also remove ODP_UNUSED from the API if cast to (void) is a valid C 
language feature.

Anyway, for this series I'll send a v4 with ODP_UNUSED.

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If you wish. Alternately I can fold that into my patch that goes on top of this 
one and I can review your series as-is since it otherwise looks fine and 
clearly is something we want.
<3rd reply to HTML mail>

That's OK of course :) Thanks.


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