> we use autotools and check to add or not add cflags or ldflags should be
> there.
> I think in that case it's better to make such check in that file:
> ./platform/linux-generic/m4/configure.m4
> So check should be code compilation with libatomic and without and set or
> not set it in ldflags.
> To check there are 2 ways:
> 1. localy
> https://git.linaro.org/lng/check-odp.git/
> GIT_BRANCH=master PATCH_DIR=/opt/Linaro/odp3.git IGNORE_BASE=1 CLEANUP=0
> GIT_URL=/opt/Linaro/odp3.git ./build.sh

This check script doesn't appear to be working properly for me, but
regardless, since "__atomic_compare_exchange_n" is used within the general
codebase (e.g. in platform/linux-generic/pktio/ring.c) this patch shouldn't
introduce any changes to the primary configure files.

Since you are able to recreate the problem, have presumably verified a way of
resolving it, and are far more versed in the project infrastructure than I,
would it be at all possible for you to advise on what example-specific
configuration changes might be necessary here?

> > As for the variable declarations, again this was an issue I attempted to
> > get
> > to the meat of previously. Are we talking about variables within nested
> > blocks, outside these blocks, in long functions, in short functions? It's
> > hard to address the issue here when I'm not entirely sure which part of it
> > you would like addressing. As indicated before, the longer functions like
> > main and add_fraglist_to_fraglist benefit greatly from splitting
> > declarations
> > throughout their bodies. I can squish all the declarations together, making
> > the code unreadable, if that's what you would like for it to be merged, but
> > I'm assuming that this wouldn't be a desirable outcome either. If you could
> > respond to the relevant points I've raised below, allowing me to resolve
> > some
> > of these issues, it would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> ok, I will run over patch to comment on places which I think needs to be
> changed.

Great, thanks. Please do take into account readability in your suggestions,
though, as I plan on implementing them under the assumption that you have
made all appropriate style consideration as appropriate for the project
following our extensive discussions in this area.

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