Matias Elo(matiaselo) replied on github web page:

line 72
@@ -786,6 +824,100 @@ static int netmap_recv(pktio_entry_t *pktio_entry, int 
        return num_rx;
+static int netmap_recv_tmo(pktio_entry_t *pktio_entry, int index,
+                          odp_packet_t pkt_table[], int num, uint64_t usecs)
+       struct timeval timeout;
+       int ret;
+       int maxfd;
+       fd_set readfds;
+       ret = netmap_recv(pktio_entry, index, pkt_table, num);
+       if (ret != 0)
+               return ret;
+       /* 32 bit architectures use 32-bit division if possible */
+       if (sizeof(size_t) < 8) {
+               if (usecs <= UINT32_MAX) {
+                       timeout.tv_sec = ((uint32_t)usecs) / (1000 * 1000);
+                       timeout.tv_usec = ((uint32_t)usecs) % (1000 * 1000);
+               } else {
+                       timeout.tv_sec = usecs / (1000 * 1000);
+                       timeout.tv_usec = usecs % (1000 * 1000);
+               }
+       } else {
+               timeout.tv_sec = usecs / (1000 * 1000);
+               timeout.tv_usec = usecs % (1000 * 1000);

The second division can be avoided.
timeout.tv_usec = usecs - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000000);

> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
> To me the value of this optimization seems questionable (everywhere where it 
> is used). System calls are used here anyway, so one division operation (next  
> comment) shouldn't have that much effect.

>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>> Not needed.

>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>> Not needed.

>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>> Same comments than to `odp_pktin_recv_tmo()`.

>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>> Can roll over if SLEEP_USEC > 1.

>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>> Seems unnecessarily complex. Something like the following could do the 
>>>>>> same:
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> uint64_t sleep_round = 0;
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>  /* Check every SLEEP_CHECK rounds if total wait time
>>>>>>   * has been exceeded. */
>>>>>>  if ((sleep_round++ & (SLEEP_CHECK - 1)) == 0) {
>>>>>>          t2 = odp_time_local();
>>>>>>          if (odp_time_cmp(t2, t1) > 0)
>>>>>>                  return 0;
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  wait = wait > SLEEP_USEC ? wait - SLEEP_USEC : 0;
>>>>>> ```

>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>> Comment still says nanoseconds. Should also state that the maximum 
>>>>>>> value is 1 000 000, so that timespec.tv_nsec is used correctly.

>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>> Agreed, the "divisor" can be added later if needed.

>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Now that's a great idea! If somebody sees one microsecond as too big 
>>>>>>>>> sleep time, it is always possible to implement a "divisor": multiply 
>>>>>>>>> the sleep time by e.g. 4, and sleep e.g. 250 nanoseconds. No slow 
>>>>>>>>> division operation is needed for this "divisor", only multiplication. 
>>>>>>>>> But I won't implement this divisor now, as SLEEP_NSEC anyway always 
>>>>>>>>> used to be 1000.

>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ifdefs are not allowed.  IMO the cleanest fix would be to add a 
>>>>>>>>>> separate commit (before this one) to this patch set, which modifies 
>>>>>>>>>> odp_pktin_wait_time() to always return microseconds and converts 
>>>>>>>>>> SLEEP_NSEC to SLEEP_USEC (and does necessary changes to make 
>>>>>>>>>> everything work).
>>>>>>>>>> Or does someone oppose having a minimum sleep time of 1us between 
>>>>>>>>>> pktin receive calls in the old code path?

>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I would prefer return 0; as the trial_successful already tells not 
>>>>>>>>>>> to use this interrupt-driven way, but it probably doesn't matter 
>>>>>>>>>>> much. I'll do this (with return 0).

>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> By checking both ops here you can return right away and minimize 
>>>>>>>>>>>> overhead for pktios not supporting interrupt driven mode.
>>>>>>>>>>>> E.g.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>>>>>            if (!entry[i]->s.ops->recv_mq_tmo && 
>>>>>>>>>>>> !entry[i]->s.ops->fd_set) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>                    *trial_successful = 0;
>>>>>>>>>>>>                    return -1;
>>>>>>>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>>>>>>> ```

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm somewhat worried that somebody could adjust SLEEP_NSEC and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the entire thing fails. What about this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <pre>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if SLEEP_NSEC == 1000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   uint64_t usecs = wait;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> #else
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   uint64_t usecs = (wait * SLEEP_NSEC + 999) / 1000;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> #endif
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </pre>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the return value, you mean <code>odp_pktin_wait_time()</code> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not <code>odp_pktin_recv_mq_tmo()</code>, right? Because I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't see how the return value of the latter could depend on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <code>SLEEP_NSEC</code> definition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if we modify <code>odp_pktin_wait_time()</code> to always 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return microseconds, then <code>odp_pktin_recv_mq_tmo()</code> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> suddenly starts to work incorrectly with <code>SLEEP_NSEC != 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000</code> as there is a <code>wait--</code> line in there that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> does this just before sleeping one microsecond, exactly.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same thing with the loop order than with netmap.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Couple comment lines describing the different stages of this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function wouldn't hurt when someone is reading this code later 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same thing with the loop order than with netmap.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since this loop is a performance optimization I would move it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before the loop which sets the read descriptors. No use to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> set the descriptors if packets are already available.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The motivation for a separate `odp_pktin_wait_time()` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function was to avoid having to do time conversions in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fast path functions. As `odp_pktin_wait_time()` already 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> returns the time in microseconds no additional conversions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are needed here. Same thing for `odp_pktin_recv_mq_tmo()`.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, the value returned by `odp_pktin_recv_mq_tmo()` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on `SLEEP_NSEC` definition. This should be modified 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so that the returned value is always in microseconds.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every pktio type we currenly have uses microseconds for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout, so you could change `recv_tmo()` and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `recv_mq_tmo()` to use microseconds instead of nanoseconds. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This removes the need for per operation conversions.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Are you entirely sure about this? This is a function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > pointer, and if two pktio devices have the same function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > pointer for recv_mq_tmo(), the other function pointers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > including the recv() function pointer should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > identical as well. We do pass the device (entry[i]) to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the function pointed to by recv_mq_tmo as well, so it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > should be able to update the correct counters. The ops 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > structure is const, after all...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I stand corrected, didn't notice the pktio_entry_t array 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter. A bit confusing as `recv_mq_tmo()` behaves 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently than pretty much every other pktio op.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> muvarov wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just pass nsec to drivers or you will have double 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calculation like in netmap code.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you entirely sure about this? This is a function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointer, and if two pktio devices have the same function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointer for recv_mq_tmo(), the other function pointers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including the recv() function pointer should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identical as well. We do pass the device (entry[i]) to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the function pointed to by recv_mq_tmo as well, so it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be able to update the correct counters. The ops 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structure is const, after all...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, when receiving packets from a particular device 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using netmap, we do call netmap_recv() and pass to it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the pktio_entry[i] and also index[i] for the queue 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index. This is the same that the odp_pktin_recv_mq_tmo() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function already did. It calls odp_pktin_recv() in a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loop, and the latter function calls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry->s.ops->recv(entry, queue.index, packets, num); 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which to me seems to be exactly the same thing -- you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pass exactly the same entry and the same queue.index. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same function, same arguments, I can't see how the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior would be different...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, if somebody opposes the .recv_mq_tmo function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointer due to added code line count, I might perhaps 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agree. But it seems to be the only way the DPDK support 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for genuine sleep could be added, so I see some value in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Several options: (1) I could implement a binary search 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> algorithm that incrementally checks various usec values 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and uses odp_pktin_wait_time() to check which one of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these trial attempts result in the same sleep wait 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value, but that would be slow; (2) I could implement 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> odp_pktin_wait_time_reverse() that does the conversion 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the other direction, but that would be an API 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change; (3) I could just do the conversion and pass 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usec values instead of sleep wait values. I carefully 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considered each and selected (3), but do you think (2) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or (1) would be better?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will fix.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha-Matti Tilli(jmtilli) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I disagree. SLEEP_NSEC is a private #define in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> odp_packet_io.c so what the wait parameter actually 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means cannot be interpreted in the drivers. (Believe 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me, I tried it!) Thus, the conversion from the sleep 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wait parameter to microseconds is needed.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I noted in the previous comment, I think this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check isn't enough. The input queues would have to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be from the same pktio device for this to work.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Internal functions should not use odp_ prefix.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should pass the `wait` parameter to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `entry->s.ops->recv_tmo()` and not do any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conversions here.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matias Elo(matiaselo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS would work here.
updated_at 2018-01-08 11:37:07

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