
after some talks we came to agreement that one of the major thing for
odp is it's validation over CI. So for now we decided to keep current
scheme of work. I.e. patches which do not touch api go to master and api
patches go to api-next branch.

To make git maintenance more easy we will rebase api-next branch on top
of the latest development release. I.e. just after we do development
release in master branch we rebase api-next branch. That will require to
do rebase of pending pull requests on github. This can happen once per
month or one per two months. Depend how often we will do releases.
Please take in account in your scripts that direct pull from api-next
might not work.

Also we are thinking about upgrade number of parallel Travis jobs. Now
we have demo period to upgrade from 5 to 15 parallel ci jobs. That will
work for a day. So we can test it and decide if it's needed for us.

One other thing which is worth to mention is usage of Travis in private
repositories. Travis runs are long and each PR needs it's own round of
CI. Please test your changes locally on private github clones before you
open PR. If you need to do some small change after you opened PR, second
CI job will be queued just after first one. So we will do one CI run for

Best regards,

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