On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:29:30 -0500
Svetlana Belkin <barsook...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> All,
> I have one such idea for a LoCo Project that can be used to help a team
> to get a task done.  This team that I was thinking about is the Doc Team
> and the task (a rather large one but can be broken up between different
> LoCo's) is to help the Community Wiki editors/admins to clean up the
> Community wiki.  Maybe using one of the tags that allows the page to be
> tagged "to be deleted" so the admins know what to review and delete?
> The other one deals with helping Ubuntu Women to evaluate
> harvest.ubuntu.com [1] so Harvest can be used as a service to help users
> and LoCo's to find low-hangs bugs to work on.  But in the mean while,
> the "Thousand Papercut Nijas" team could be a project to get some of
> those bugs fixed as a LoCo.  Also there could be lessons on how to deal
> with bugs, code, ect.
> Thank you,
> Svetlana Belkin
> [1]http://blog.ubuntu-women.org/2013/11/evaluating-harvest/
> -- 

To follow this up further, Ms. Belkin is acting upon the discussion from 
vUDS-1311 about LoCo Projects.  LoCo Council has not formally considered this 
matter of creating a projects cookbook yet and has not formally discussed it 
with Canonical Community Team.  That is okay, though.

Svetlana is admirably taking the initiative.  I encourage cooperation to help 
her at least gauge interest.  Keeping replies on-list will help all of us learn 
as Points of Contact where we stand and allow for lateral 
community-to-community communication to take place.

Ohio will be willing to act as one pilot test for this simply because Svetlana 
is located here.  Who else would like to join in?

Stephen Michael Kellat, MSLS
Point of Contact/Leader, Ubuntu Ohio
Member, LoCo Council

loco-contacts mailing list

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