Hi everyone,

Distributions Developer Room: Call for Participation

Once again, FOSDEM will have a distributions developer room on 1 & 2
February 2014. We'd like to invite submissions of talks, Birds of a
Feather (BoF) sessions, or round-table discussions from any interested
representatives of Linux distributions or individuals who have a topic
of interest related to Linux distributions.

Proposals should be submitted through the FOSDEM proposal system
(Pentabarf) here:


You'll add your session title, speaker bio, and abstract for the talk.
If you've presented or submitted at FOSDEM previously, you should have
an account in Pentabarf. If you haven't created an account, but have
presented at FOSDEM previously *please* contact me before creating an
account - the odds are you have an account that was created previously
by the FOSDEM organizers.

Deadline for submissions is +22 December 2013. Since we're on a tight
timeline, this is unlikely to be extended.

In addition to speakers, we also need one moderator for each day, and a
video volunteer for each day. The moderator will introduce the speaker,
keep time, and pass the microphone around for questions. The video
volunteer will handle recording of sessions with provided equipment.
(Don't worry, we'll also provide training as well.)

You can also sign up for the distributions-devroom mailing list
(https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/distributions-devroom) to discuss the
schedule, etc.

The call for participation is going out a bit late, so please do speak
up quickly if you're interested in participating! Also, please do help
spread the word so we can ensure the best possible program for this
year's FOSDEM.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
http://juju.ubuntu.com/ - Automate your Cloud Infrastructure

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