Hi Dale,

thanks a lot. I haven't expected such a bug in a
release. Better switch to the latest head revision 
then ......


-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:04:52 +0200
Subject: Re: XMLSocketAppender: Reconnection fails
From: "Dale King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Log4CXX User" <log4cxx-user@logging.apache.org>, 

I reported it back in May:
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOGCXX-277 [1]

It is a bug in 0.10.0, but is fixed in subversion. The fix is to make
that if( !thread.isActive() )

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 9:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2] 
 Hi All,

 for some reason, a XMLSocketAppender does not reconnect to
 Chainsaw, after some initial events have been sent and then
 chainsaw was killed.

 What I have figured out is that in the following code snippet
 from SocketAppenderSkeleton.cpp

 ---------- schnipp ----------
 void SocketAppenderSkeleton::fireConnector()
         synchronized sync(mutex);
         if (thread.isActive()) {
                 thread.run(monitor, this);
 -------- schnapp ------------

 the method thread.isActive always returns false. It seems that
 the methods returns true if there is some (apr) thread object
 instantiated. But that does not happen.

 The same behaviour is shown when the connection cannot be
 at the beginning of a session.

 Is that a known bug/feature?? I&#39;am using log4cxx 0.10.0. [4]


Dale King

[1] http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOGCXX-277
[2] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[3] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[4] http://0.10.0.

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