
In the current implementation, the RollingFileAppender always
names backup files to "<filename>.1", "<filename>.2" etc.

It would be great, if developers could add their own naming

This could be done using different ways (I think):

a) The developer sets a naming pattern String as a parameter
to the RollingFileAppender, which defines the filename (similar
to PatternLayout), e.g. "%f.%d.%n", where %f = filename, %d = date,
%n = backupIndex

b) The developer implements an interface, which provides a
single method to generate a filename for a backup file:

 public interface BackupFilenameResolver {
        public String getFilename( int backupIndex );

An implementing class name of this interface may then be set
as a parameter to the RollingFileAppender (similar to how
ObjectRenderers are currently configured)

I would prefer soultion (b), since it is more flexible.

Greetings from Germany,

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