
Log4Cocoa is a Cocoa port of Log4J.  Cocoa is the core native Mac OS X 
Objective-C libraries.  This port is primarily in Objective-C.  If 
you're interested, please take a look and let me know if you'd like 
join us as a developer.  It is now up on SourceForge:  

The source is in cvs & you can get a tarball of the source from within 
CVS (I'm new to sourceforge.  I'll see if I can put the tarball in the 
"files" space).  This is a pre-Alpha release with basic functionality.

You can download Log4Cocoa and use it in a very simple way right now.  
Right now, one Appender (the Console Appender -- standard out / 
standard error)** and one Layout (simple Layout)*** are working.  The 
current working plan is:

Current Status -- Pre-Alpha:
    - simple API derived port of Java version
    - minimal additions of Objective-C features (note: I did take 
advantage of the C preprocessor to make getting file names, method 
names, and line numbers *MUCH* cheaper than in Java)

    - add more Appenders & Layouts
    - add configuration file support (right now only programatic 
configuration is supported)
    - start adding HeaderDoc documentation
    - start working on performance issues
    - make more "Cocoa-esque"

   - add a GUI configuration tool
   - work on thread safety issues
   - performance & memory usage tuning
   - more documentation

Also, I would love to integrate OCUnit tests with Log4Cocoa, but 
haven't had time yet.

Bob Frank

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