There is no need to vote on *potential* contributions. When the 
contribution becomes ready the championing committer can optionally poll 
for opinions before committing. We only need to vote if someone objects. I 
have not seen any formal objections to Mark's proposal, so we do not need 
to vote. Correct me if I am wrong...  :-)

At 08:43 07.10.2002 -0400, you wrote:
>In Remy's favorite format:
><question>Add Log4jInitServlet to contribs?</question>
>[+1] Yes
>[ ] No
>I also support the idea for a standard log4j context listener.
>Thanks Jake. ;)
>Yoav Shapira
>Millennium ChemInformatics
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 8:27 AM
> >To: Log4J Developers List
> >Subject: Re: [VOTE] Proposal: Log4Init servlet class
> >
> >
> >Hi Mark,
> >
> >The Log4jInit servlet that I posted to you and is being use in the
> >you posted to the list under the subject "RE: FW: log4j.jar locked by
> >Tomcat even after  remove/undeploy  ...." could be used for this.  It
> >currently part of the Barracuda project at
> ,
> >the but could certainly be donated to Log4j for official inclusion.
> >license *can* be changed to fit Log4j's needs.  It is very flexible and
> >pretty fault-tolerant.  It does not yet use Repository Selectors.  That
> >would have to be added.  A Watchdog should be added and the option for
> >configureAndWatch() removed for the 1.3 release since Watchdogs will
> >supercede configureAndWatch().
> >
> >Let me know what you think of my proposed contribution.  Certainly work
> >needs to be done to it for an official release, but as a 1.2.x based
> >servlet, it is pretty full featured already.
> >
> >BTW, there should probably also be a ServletContextListener added to
> >proposal along with the init servlet.  The reason for this is that log
> >files stay locked unless LogManager.shutdown() is called.  WIth a
> >context listener, you can count on it being run once at startup and
>once at
> >shutdown rather than whenever the container feels like
>loading/unloading in
> >the servlet's case.  The class Log4jApplicationWatch class that I sent
> >along with the Log4jInit servlet should provide this functionality.
> >
> >Anyway, let me know if my contributions would be least
> >a basis of where to start.
> >
> >Jake
> >
> >At 09:52 PM 10/6/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >>In the quest of finding more things to do that one has time for, I
> >>that we explore the inclusion of a Log4jInit servlet class in the
> >>log4j library.  This would be a servlet class that can be used to
> >initialize
> >>log4j in a web application.  Everyone seems to have their own version
> >one
> >>that all do the same basic stuff.
> >>
> >>I am making this proposal because if this class is used so often, then
> >>think a basic version should be available in the official log4j
> >for
> >>general use or for specific extension by developers.  It will make
> >>"easier" to use because it will have a useful off-the-shelf class
> >>specifically designed for web applications.
> >>
> >>However, I would like this component to be "owned" by someone else
> >will
> >>put the energy into it.  If this person is not a committer, then I
> >volunteer
> >>to "champion" and review the code, and make sure it gets committed
> >cvs
> >>after review.  But my v1.3 plate is full with plugins, receivers,
> >watchdogs,
> >>and filters.
> >>
> >>A number of folks have stated an interest in contributing to log4j.
> >Here's
> >>your chance to create something that almost every log4j web
> >>based developer will use.  If no one steps up, then it will just wait
> >until
> >>one of us has the time.
> >>
> >>I think there are a number of options for this class that can be
> >>such as possibly using a distinct logger repository per web
> >>application/servlet/etc.  There may be other related components that
> >>be considered.
> >>
> >>But first, what do the other committers think?
> >>
> >>+1
> >>
> >>-Mark
> >>
> >>
> >>--
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