ceki        2002/10/23 10:40:18

  Modified:    src/xdocs contactUs.xml
  Removed reference to the log4j-cvs list because it no longer exists.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +4 -9      jakarta-log4j/src/xdocs/contactUs.xml
  Index: contactUs.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-log4j/src/xdocs/contactUs.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- contactUs.xml     9 May 2002 15:43:44 -0000       1.14
  +++ contactUs.xml     23 Oct 2002 17:40:18 -0000      1.15
  @@ -20,15 +20,10 @@
         <p>Development related discussions are held on the
        <em>log4j-dev</em> mailing list. To subscribe to this list
        send an e-mail to <A
HREF="mailto:log4j-dev-subscribe@;jakarta.apache.org">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>.</p>
  -      <p>All developers are encouraged to subscribe to the
  -     <em>log4j-cvs</em> list which will notify the subscribers of
  -     CVS any commits to the repository.  To subscribe to this list
  -     send an e-mail to <A
HREF="mailto:log4j-cvs-subscribe@;jakarta.apache.org">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>.
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  -     Apache e-mail address.
HREF="mailto:log4j-dev-subscribe@;jakarta.apache.org">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>.
  +     developers are encouraged to subscribe to the
  +     <em>log4j-dev</em> list which will notify the subscribers of
  +     any commits to our CVS repository.
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