Hello, I found a bug in LogBrokerMonitor(). I seriously need the setCallSystemExitOnClose() method to work properly, in both versions "true" and "false". When I was checking the sources, I found out that the user setting is simply overwritten in protected void requestClose() { setCallSystemExitOnClose(false); <------ this overwrites the user setting !!!! closeAfterConfirm(); }
and protected void requestExit() { _mruFileManager.save(); setCallSystemExitOnClose(true); <------this is OK closeAfterConfirm(); } requestClose() is called by a window closing event and by "close" via menu, requestExit() ist called by "exit" via menu. As I am not able to compile the Log4J sources myself, I would be glad if someone could do that for me and send me the *.jar file, the earlier the better ;-) Thank you Regards Julian Ruhe, DaimlerChrysler Corp. Berlin, Germany -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: <mailto:log4j-dev-unsubscribe@;jakarta.apache.org> For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:log4j-dev-help@;jakarta.apache.org>