You need to add the following to PropertyConfigurator


The DTD should be left unchanged.

The namespace issue is still unresolved....

--- Jeff Forbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to add custom XML to a log file using
> the
> XMLLayout. I have attempted to use a ObjectRenderer
> to
> convert an object passed into a logger function
> " Action());". I created a class called
> ActionRenderer (implements ObjectRenderer), but it
> doesn't seem to work. A couple questions:
> - Does anyone have an example?
> - What changes to the DTD are required?
> Also, using the XML example provided in the javadoc.
> I
> tried to create an valid xml file from the output
> (using XMLLayout), but I keep getting this error in
> IE:
> Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'log4j'.
> Line 1, Position 113 
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