--- Deepesh Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are developing the project and in the same we
> will use Log4J for logging.
> We will have the multi server environment.
> My query is 
> 1)How  I will log my statements into one file
> resides on one server using
> log4J when my application run on multiple servers?

Log4j is based on Loggers and Appenders. Each logger
has one or many appenders. The logger will create a
Logging event and pass the event to the appenders wich
are the ones that must register the event on a
particular target. Some examples of appenders are:
FileAppender (for files), Console appender (for
System.out) and SocketAppender. This last appender is
the one you may use to log events to a remote server.
So you may have many servers logging to
SocketAppenders that are connected to a remote
SocketNode that also uses Log4j to register the remote
events locally.

> I want to log statements into different files based
> on modules.Files name
> will be decided at run time based on the part of
> application I want to log.
> 2)How I will give the name of the file at run time
> using log4J?

There are many ways to configure Log4j. You may use
the PropertyConfigurator wich receives a Properties
object with the parameters used to create the Loggers,
Appenders, Etc. This properties object may be created
at runtime. Other way is to create the Loggers,
Appenders, and all the other components by hand
calling the methods each one of this components have
to configure themselves, for example you can create a
new appender and add this appender to a logger using
the <code>addAppender</code> method of the Logger

> Thanks in advance I will appriciate a quick
> response.
> Regards,
> Deepesh
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