I extended PrintStream to accept a Logger and priority on the constructor.
The write(String) and print(Object) methods are overriden to call log4j.
All other methods are overriden to call one of those 2.  I extended log4j
configuration to accept a property, if set to true then:

      System.setOut(new Log4JPrintStream(Logger.getLogger("System.Out"),
      System.setErr(new Log4JPrintStream(Logger.getLogger("System.Err"),

You'll need a "NullOutputStream" object to pass to the constructor of
PrintStream during the super call in the Log4JPrintStream constructor.  It
overrides OutputStream methods with no-ops.

This works for any appender and in your case will definitely roll when it
should.  Only drawbacks are formatting when making multiple calls to
System.out and expecting it to be 1 message, but then again you probably
have that issue now.


                      Rich Gibbs                                                       
                      <rich.gibbs@enhan        To:       "Log4j-Dev (E-mail)" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       
            >                 cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Rolling appender, that 
contains standard err/out                          
                      12/04/2002 02:41                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Log4J Developers                                                

Has anyone come across the need to be able to have the standard streams of
stdout, and stderr go to a rolling logfile?

I played with extending the rollinglog appender, and have a working
I'm not completly happy in that it will only roll, when logging is done to
category, but the size is incremented for standard streams, so as long as
atleast some of the logging goes to a category, the logs will roll
or atleast reasonably...

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