On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 10:28 PM, Mark Womack wrote:

Adding NetSendAppender as a contribution is a good idea. I really wish
there was a good approach for integrating contributions without
falling into a maintenance trap. Dumping code into the contribs/
directory is unsatisfactory because it does not offer much beyond
space but it costs nearly nothing in terms of maintenance. Leaving the
author to his or her own devices is not the ideal solution either...
I agree. I wish there was a better way to handle contributions that don'
make it into the official distribution but are useful none the less. I was
thinking that some kind of contribution database, similar to the bug
database, could be useful in this regard, but I don't know. And it would be
something else to maintain.
i don't have a solution but i do have a couple of observations:

1. contribs/ would be more useful if there was documentation linked from the web site. this would save a lot of time when users are looking for solutions. it would be nice if every directory in contribs contained a html file containing a description of the contents. this could be linked (via viewCVS) from the main log4j web site.

2. some other jakarta sub-projects contain sub-sub-projects with their own release cycles. maybe sub-sub-project(s) may allow useful - but non-core code to be distributed effectively.

i'm not really push these as plans, i just wanted to throw out these ideas out there and see if anything grows from them.

- robert

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