oburn       2003/02/05 02:50:04

  Modified:    .        build.xml
  Fix so that you can build if you do not have jalopy installed.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.49      +8 -12     jakarta-log4j/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-log4j/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.48
  retrieving revision 1.49
  diff -u -r1.48 -r1.49
  --- build.xml 5 Feb 2003 10:20:45 -0000       1.48
  +++ build.xml 5 Feb 2003 10:50:04 -0000       1.49
  @@ -274,29 +274,25 @@
     <!-- ================================================================= -->
  -  <!-- Define Jalopy code formatting task.                               -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================= -->
  -  <path id="jalopy.path">
  -    <fileset dir="${jalopy.lib}">
  -      <include name="*.jar" />
  -    </fileset>
  -  </path>
  -  <!-- ================================================================= -->
     <!-- Define the set of files current styled                            -->
     <!-- ================================================================= -->
     <fileset dir="${java.source.dir}" id="styled_files">
        <include name="**/plugins/*.java"/>
  -  <taskdef name="jalopy"
  -           classname="de.hunsicker.jalopy.plugin.ant.AntPlugin"
  -           classpathref="jalopy.path" />
     <!-- ================================================================= -->
     <!-- Runs jalopy.  Available from http://jalopy.sourceforge.net        -->
     <!-- ================================================================= -->
     <target name="runJalopy">
  +    <path id="jalopy.path">
  +      <fileset dir="${jalopy.lib}">
  +        <include name="*.jar" />
  +      </fileset>
  +    </path>
  +    <taskdef name="jalopy"
  +             classname="de.hunsicker.jalopy.plugin.ant.AntPlugin"
  +             classpathref="jalopy.path" />
       <jalopy backup="true"

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