psmith      2003/06/25 18:15:19

  Modified:    .        build.xml
  Chainsaw is now built from the build target, but only if the ORO package
  has been detected.
  Also tweaked the way chainsaw starts so that it immediately fails
  if ORO isn't found rather than going through the whole compile sequence.
  Also removed chainsaw's dependancy on the LF5 jar target.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.68      +15 -7     jakarta-log4j/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-log4j/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.67
  retrieving revision 1.68
  diff -u -r1.67 -r1.68
  --- build.xml 25 Jun 2003 22:20:08 -0000      1.67
  +++ build.xml 26 Jun 2003 01:15:19 -0000      1.68
  @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     <target name="build" description="Compile all log4j components."
  -         depends="init, build.core, build.examples, build.xml,
  +         depends="init, build.core, build.chainsaw, build.examples, build.xml,
            build.javamail, build.jms, build.jmx, build.avalonFramework"/>
     <target name="build.core" depends="init">
  @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
  - <target name="build.chainsaw" depends="init, check-for-oro, build.core">
  + <target name="build.chainsaw" depends="init, chainsawCheck, build.core" 
       <javac deprecation="${deprecation}"
  @@ -391,18 +391,26 @@
     <!-- Runs Chainsaw                                                     -->
     <!-- ================================================================= -->
  -  <target name="check-for-oro" >
  -    <condition property="external.libraries.oro.present">
  +  <target name="oroCheck" >
  +    <condition property="chainsaw-libraries-present">
             <isset property="regexp.oro.jar" />
             <available file="${regexp.oro.jar}"/>
  -    <fail unless="external.libraries.oro.present" message="Chainsaw v2 needs 
Jakarta ORO, and it appears your are missing the Jakarta ORO package.  Please check 
the file."/>
  +  </target>
  +  <target name="chainsawCheck" depends="oroCheck" if="chainsaw-libraries-present">
  +    <echo message="Chainsaw dependant libraries present."/>
  +  </target>
  +  <target name="chainsawRunCheck" depends="chainsawCheck">
  +    <fail unless="chainsaw-libraries-present" message="Chainsaw v2 needs Jakarta 
ORO, and it appears your are missing the Jakarta ORO package.  Please check the file."/>
  -  <target name="chainsaw" depends="build.chainsaw, jar" description="Builds and 
runs Chainsaw v2">
  +  <target name="chainsaw" depends="chainsawRunCheck, build.chainsaw, log4j.jar, 
log4j-chainsaw.jar" description="Builds and runs Chainsaw v2" >
       <!-- Need to fork to avoid problems -->
       <java classname="org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.LogUI" fork="yes"

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