This is script is a great way to circumvent the fact that there is no official release... I feel the pressure mounting. :-)

At 08:22 AM 12/11/2003 +1100, Paul Smith wrote:
The other day I created an Ant-based install script that automatically
gets and configures everything you need to run Chainsaw v2. (see
attached script)

Does anyone think this might be useful for the -user list?

To run it, you need:

* Ant (duh...)

It just checks out the latest jakarta-log4j cvs module, dowloads the
jakarta-oro binary zip, unpacks it, and creates a file
pointing to the ORO jar.

You can run it by saving the attached xml file to a directory where you
would like Chainsaw installed, and typing:

ant -f install-chainsaw.xml

and follow the prompts.


Paul Smith

-- Ceki Gülcü

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