How can there be deadlock since the fail over operation will be done on the same thread? (A given thread is allowed to reacquire the locks which are already in its possession.)

At 08:10 PM 3/4/2005, Harper, Allen (AHARPER) wrote:
That's ok Ceki. I'm on critical path on a design on a huge project. As an organizational policy we cannot use 1.3 until it's been officially release.

So, in the meantime I'm going to have to create a thread I guess to do the switching.

I'll switch over to 1.3 after you release it.


-----Original Message----- From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 1:08 PM To: Log4J Developers List Subject: Re: Appender, ErrorHanlder fail over deadlock


I don't know what to do with your report since 1.3 the fail over logic is going to be entirely redesigned.

At 07:40 PM 3/4/2005, Harper, Allen (AHARPER) wrote:
>I have found and proved that Log4J does have a deadlock situation in
>it's appender failover logic.
>In a nutshell heres whats happening. The entire instance of the logger
>is syncronized. (Actually the syncronized object is the Category object
>from which the Logger is derived.) A caller makes a log call
>Log.xxxx(), in this case the JDBC appender. If the database is down the
>DB call throws which in turn calls the errorHandler, which in turn
>calls back into the Logger (deadlock) to swap out the primary and
>backup appenders.
>I guess what I'm going to do is to bust out another thread for the sole
>purpose of handling failover logic.
>Comments, input?
>Al Harper

Ceki Gülcü

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