At 09:33 PM 1/12/2006, Scott Deboy wrote:
General SLF4j concern:

I may be in the minority (I'm sure I am), but slf4j's change to require logger.debug(string) instead of object may have a performance rationale but it has the effect of preventing filters from being able to perform any analysis based on what was passed into the logging method.

The rationale for the instead of has nothing to do with performance but with clarity. Given that everything is an Object in java, it is not always possible to properly distinguish the following method calls:

debug("hello {}", "world");
debug(MyMarkers.BLUE, "Hello world");
debug("hello world", new Exception("just testing"));

One quickly runs into combinations that the compiler finds ambiguous and refuses to compile. I tried keeping the first Object parameter and had the compiler shouting. IMHO, it's just not possible.


To work around this issue, we could add additional methods to logger that took an interface as well as a String, and users would pass in instances of the interface (which provided a way to get the underlying object and delegated tostring to the underlying object if the filter wasn't being used). Maybe a Wrapper interface that provided a getObject method.

If you really need to pass the object as is, you can always do it as follows:

debug("{}", myObject);

This assumes that the implementation does not immediately convert parameterized messages into string but keeps myObject available for further processing. I am doing exactly this in LOGBack, my experimental logging system. There is no reason why log4j couldn't do the same.

Ceki Gülcü

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