At 06:10 AM 4/2/2007, you wrote:
My understanding of the motivation of "markers" is to provide a
mechanism to provide explicit context (for example, IP address of
current request) for a logging call which supplements the implicit
context extracted from the current thread (contents of MDC and NDC,
thread name, call stack).  The primary use for the explicit context
is likely to provide information to be recorded in the log with a
secondary use to provide information to be used by filters.

I am afraid that is not the motivation for Markers.

The motivation of logging domains appears to be to identify concerns
that cut across the established hierarchy and the expected use
appears to be as an aid to configuration.

Markers (as do domains) create a second dimension for filtering. The TRACE marker in the logback-demo might be of interest.

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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