On Apr 17, 2007, at 1:55 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

On 17/04/2007, at 4:38 PM, Curt Arnold wrote:

On Apr 17, 2007, at 12:14 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

Curt, many thanks for your efforts to get this this far. I've followed the below steps, and it's _almost_ working.

I think the Receivers module will need to have a copy of org.apache.log4j.varia.LogFilePatternReceiver as well. I can do an svn copy over from the 1.3 tree, rebuild the receivers module and we should be on our way.

Okay, I didn't see a compile time dependency on it.

The pom.xml will need to be modified to add a dependency from receivers to expression-filter.

The code has a lot of style issues (including some tabs) and an old-style copyright notice.

Yes, but Chainsaw did have those before, so I'm not fussing over the check style issues just yet. The copyright ones are probably a higher priority given the legalese of it all. I tried using that license-fixy script with no success before, but perhaps I was just being dumb. I'd like to get Chainsaw built and running with 1.2.15 before I tackle that.

I had wanted to get the style issues out before branching off from the 1.3 trunk so we could compare the trunk with sandbox and not have spurious formatting issues. However, it looks like LogFilePatternReceiver can be identical in both the sandbox and trunk, so the order is not as important as I thought it would be.

The code would need to be modified to use the new LoggingEvent constructor.

Yep, I'll do that when I've got that copied over.

It is all yours.

I'm pretty much in the dark on the Chainsaw build and release process and that is likely to need to change.

The ant build.xml can has a 'webstart-dist' target and an 'iOrb' type target. They generate and sign the jar files (it prompts you for a local keystore and certificate passwords during the signing process; I have my thawte certificate loaded in a keystore locally). I think I had a target that uploads those signed stuff to the area where the Webstart bundle is kept, but due to symlink weirdness with Webstart, there's still a bit of hand moving of files around during the deployment.

log4net requires signed assemblies and until recently only Nicko was able to produce them. He has recently placed an encrypted signing key in the SVN so that Ron or I can also produce builds of log4net. Would we'd want to do the same type of thing for Chainsaw?

Any thoughts on potentially Mavenizing Chainsaw?

I have to admit, I'm no big fan of Maven. Mostly because I don't use it, nor really understand it's benefit over ant. If you could think of why switching to Maven would be a good thing for Chainsaw, then I'm all ears, but the current process does work, and there are plenty of other things to do in Chainsaw ahead of that, IHMO.

You don't have to go collect all the dependencies, Maven can download them from ibiblio. Plus you get a lot of site generation stuff for free. If the build process is pretty simple, it is pretty simple to adapt it to Maven (and still support the Ant builds if you want to). It is not essential, but moving things around to conform with the standard project directory structure is a better long term solution than overriding Maven's.

A Chainsaw release would require another pass at a log4j 1.2.15 release and some resolution to the home permanent of component, expression-filter and receivers. component and receivers could be merged and/or made a subproject of Chainsaw. I think expression- filters is worthwhile as a log4j 1.2 companion. If we were to do expression-filters as a companion, I'd like to have pattern-layout ready about the same time.

I think bundling Receivers with Chainsaw will hide the usefulness of them to a broader audience. I'm happy for them to be standalone additional packages like they are now.


I'm going to sleep now. I may take a run at LogFilePatternReceiver tomorrow unless you want to take it.

My days seem to fly by so quickly. I'm trying desperately to gain control over time so I can get my hands dirty again. I'm happy to take on the LogFilePatternReceiver. If you have more knowledge of the source header fixy script, it would be well appreciated, otherwise I'll tackle that afterwards.

Please take LogFilePatternReceiver.

I've got the source file change tool down, so I'll take a pass at applying the tool to the chainsaw code base tomorrow unless someone calls me off (for example, if you have a lot of uncommitted changes).

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