On reflection, it does seem like the bridge from JULI to log4j seems conceptually similar to the existing receivers and a bridge from log4j to JULI really seems like a appender. I'm thinking that JULI->log4j bridge should join the other receivers in apache- logging-receivers. If there is a log4j->JULI bridge it would be a distinct custom appender project.

Yep, that makes sense. I can merge the module into the log4j- receivers module. I can add a Plugin that does the 'assimilation' so that it can be used in the configuration via the standard plugin mechanism. I'm going to first go back to Chainsaw and work out any problematic plugin or LoggingEvent problems, and if the component/ receivers module is working well inside Chainsaw, that will give me some confidence to move the bridge into receivers.

On the naming front, I've now realised where I got JULI from. It's not quite java.util.logging, but something the Tomcat team come up with. I'll need to do some renaming.

Thanks for fixing the site.xml stuff, site generation seems to be working now locally. I'm taking that the approach you're aiming at is such that at some point a 'mvn deploy' style command will build the distribution and site and auto-upload everything to the repository automatically?


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