If logger implements org.slf4j.Logger, then one can write

String name = "Scott";
logger.debug("Hello Scott");
logger.debug("Hello {}", name);

Both log statements will print as "Hello Scott". However, the latter
log statement will contain 'name' as a parameter. The SLF4J
implementation can choose to preserve or to discard this parameter in
the LoggingEvent.

SLF4J allows for 0,1,2 or an array of parameters. Thus, you can write

 Map aMap = ...;
 List aList = ...;
 logger.debug("Hello", new Object[]{new Integer(37), aMap, aList});

First off, I've come back from some leave, and prior to that was extremely overloaded at work, so my attention to detail on this thread is limited.

Am I correct in distilling that the crux of the _driver_ to do this is to support the above, and only that feature? This is 'nice' but really not that high a priority I would have thought.. Given the vast majority of people are on Java5+ platforms, a source and binary compatible way is to introduce a simple 'log4j-java5plus' extension jar that has something like this:

public class LogUtils {
public static void debug(Logger log, String message, Object... args) {
        if (!log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug(getFormattedMessage(message, args));
private static String getFormattedMessage(String message, Object... args) {
        String formattedMessage = message;
        if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
            formattedMessage = String.format(message, args);
        return formattedMessage;

Then the code is changed to:

LogUtils.debug(LOG, "Hello %s, your age is %d", name, age);

Now, that bypasses slf4j completely, and maintains source & binary compatibly, and can easily be migrated to. My point is not to suggest log4j introduce the above, or to dissuade from considering slf4j integration more generally, but if the above feature is it... it really doesn't seem like a massive driver that breaks binary compatibility and possibly alienate a whole bunch of people (which it could, and that could badly tarnish the log4j 'brand' as it were).

So I'm not in favour of rushing any decision at all.


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