Been lurking and watching the thread, wanted to throw some comments out without 
fully following the thread. Take everything with a grain of salt.

log4j 1.2's AsyncAppender does a bit of this by calling all sorts of methods to 
force the lazy initialization of the event prior to the event being queued for 
processing by the worker thread. This can result in a lot of unnecessary work 
on the calling thread copying things like the MDC that might but might not be 
used in the eventual message formatting.

Performing the rendering of the message on the calling thread is also not 
desirable since things like formatting floating point numbers can be 
surprisingly expensive.

In some of my earlier design experiments, I was very fond of having the 
formatter/layout object supporting a two phase approach where the layout had an 
opportunity to "extract" from the logging event on the calling thread and then 
process the extracted information later on the worker thread. The extraction 
method would be responsible to assemble the information that it needed into an 
arbitrary immutable object that would be passed blindly by the framework to the 
formatting phase at the proper time. The implementation had the choice of 
whether it wanted to render all the way to String on the calling thread (say if 
it were cheap) on do the minimum to get immutable objects in the calling thread 
and do all the heavy lifting on the worker thread.

Without getting the layout participating, you almost will be doing unnecessary 
work on the calling thread.

I fleshed this approach out several years ago at if 
anyone wants to take a look for ideas.

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