There's some sort of support already for Map and Collection as a
@PluginElement, though I've never actually used it.

On 16 September 2016 at 13:55, Gary Gregory <> wrote:

> Right now, we can say:
>     @PluginFactory
>     public static ConcurrentMap<String, Appender> createAppenders(
>                 @PluginElement("Appenders") final Appender[] appenders) {
> and you get an array of type Foo, which is really neat.
> What it be out of bounds to think of doing:
> @PluginElement("Thing") final Map<String, Thing> thingMap
> ?
> My use case would be:
>     @PluginFactory
>     public static ConcurrentMap<String, Appender> createAppenders(
>                 @PluginElement("Appenders") final Appender[] appenders,
>                 @PluginElement("Script") final
> Map<String, Script> scriptMap) {
> What is the key? Good question It could be 1) Thing.getKey() or 2)
> Thing.getName() or whatever method is decorated with a new @PluginKey
> annotation.
> Thoughts?
> Gary
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