Anyways, I managed to implement MemoryMappedFileAppender in the playground
by basically copying it from log4j-core. Everything is still in a state of
flux here, but without adding manual buffering to the FileChannel and
RandomAccessFile appenders, here are my current results (the async channel
one is still failing):

Benchmark                                        Mode  Cnt        Score
  Error  Units
FileChannelAppenderBenchmark.logToFile          thrpt   10   306320.023 ±
 4911.376  ops/s
FileOutputStreamAppenderBenchmark.logToFile     thrpt   10  1311134.313 ±
32814.148  ops/s
MemoryMappedFileAppenderBenchmark.logToFile     thrpt   10  1569499.970 ±
47550.210  ops/s
NioFileOutputStreamAppenderBenchmark.logToFile  thrpt   10  1414480.114 ±
39527.202  ops/s
RandomAccessFileAppenderBenchmark.logToFile     thrpt   10   422874.583 ±
 5457.952  ops/s

On 26 February 2017 at 21:39, Matt Sicker <> wrote:

> I noticed that in MemoryMappedFileManager, if the MappedByteBuffer hasn't
> been fully written to when remap() is called, then the new MappedByteBuffer
> will include the unwritten area as well as an additional region of the
> file. Do you think this could cause issues with performance like we saw
> with the highly variable throughput in the appender? I'm guessing the idea
> here is to continue writing wherever we left off but while also providing a
> larger ByteBuffer for producers to use if the normally sized one is too
> small. But in that case, the producer can simply keep draining the buffer
> as it goes.
> On 26 February 2017 at 19:27, Remko Popma <> wrote:
>> Afonso, are you a robot?
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Afonso Murakami <>
>> wrote:
>>> That is great thank you very much for your help
>>> On Feb 26, 2017, at 3:36 PM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>> Afonso, are you on the right mailing list?
>>> Anyways, I've made more updates to my playground. Without implementing
>>> manual buffering on top of RandomAccessFile or FileChannel (or the async
>>> file channel, but that one has a bug in it right now causing OOM errors
>>> occasionally which is probably due to a misunderstanding on how many
>>> ByteBuffers I can queue up asynchronously before I'm supposed to stop and
>>> wait), the Java 101 style of using new BufferedOutputStream(new
>>> FileOutputStream(file)) is currently the fastest appender I have. I'm also
>>> trying to implement a MappedByteBuffer version, but now I'm rediscovering
>>> the reason why we have a ByteBufferDestination interface (plus all I'm
>>> getting as a result are 2 GB files filled with nulls, so I'm doing
>>> something wrong here anyways).
>>> I was also able to fix some strange performance issues in the tests that
>>> were being caused by my Layout implementation, so I've swapped in a trivial
>>> one that assumes input is in ASCII and casts chars to bytes to encode them.
>>> In Java 9, we may be able to do something with the compacted strings thing
>>> they added for ISO-8859-1 strings.
>>> There are also some additional benchmarks added that I found interesting
>>> while comparing some approaches. For one, copying from a directly-allocated
>>> ByteBuffer into a byte[] (via ByteBuffer::get(byte[])) is almost twice as
>>> fast as copying from a heap-allocated ByteBuffer into a byte[]. Another
>>> interesting thing I found was that doing new Date().toString() is faster
>>> than
>>> On 26 February 2017 at 16:10, Afonso Murakami <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your help and time .
>>>> On Feb 26, 2017, at 2:05 PM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>> So far I've discovered that my implementation of Layout that uses
>>>> CharsetEncoder.encode(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer, boolean) is slower than
>>>> the version that just uses CharsetEncoder.encode(CharBuffer). That
>>>> could be causing issues here.
>>>> I did try out FileChannel, and based on my current implementations,
>>>> it's around the same speed as using Files.newOutputStream(). My
>>>> AsynchronousFileChannel usage must be incorrect as it's working much slower
>>>> than the synchronous form.
>>>> On 26 February 2017 at 13:03, Afonso Murakami <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I don’t know if that make any difference but I click on the link
>>>>> to see what is about and when I
>>>>> finished I sign of on my account may that screw up something or may be 
>>>>> not,
>>>>> I’m not sure if Idid that or not, sorry.
>>>>> On Feb 26, 2017, at 10:49 AM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>>> I could be doing something wrong entirely here, but so far, the
>>>>> fastest way I've found to write to a file (not including mmap yet) is via:
>>>>> new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("test.log")))
>>>>> And this is with added synchronization on the append() method, too.
>>>>> Also, one of my updates to the async channel version is causing OOM errors
>>>>> in JMH now, so I broke something.
>>>>> On 26 February 2017 at 12:22, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>>>> I added some basic JMH tests to my repo along with a couple
>>>>>> alternative appender implementations. I got rid of the unnecessary file
>>>>>> region locking in the async file channel one, but it's still coming out
>>>>>> quite a bit slower than the RandomAccessFile and Files.newOutputStream()
>>>>>> based appenders, though that could be due to the use of Phaser (which I
>>>>>> only added to cleanly close the appender synchronously).
>>>>>> On 26 February 2017 at 10:05, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Perhaps something got optimized by the JVM? I'll add some JMH tests
>>>>>>> to this repo to try out various approaches.
>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 21:12, Apache <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I tried using a FileChannel for the FileAppender a week or so ago
>>>>>>>> to see if passing the ByteBuffer to the FileChannel would improve
>>>>>>>> performance since it doesn’t have to be synchronized. I didn’t see any
>>>>>>>> improvement though and I ended up reverting it. But I might have done
>>>>>>>> something wrong.
>>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>>> On Feb 25, 2017, at 4:19 PM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> We already use a bit of NIO (ByteBuffer for layouts and
>>>>>>>> appenders/managers, MappedByteBuffer for mmap'd files, FileLock for 
>>>>>>>> locking
>>>>>>>> files, etc.), and I've been playing around with the NIO API lately. I 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> some sample code here <> to show
>>>>>>>> some trivial use case of AsynchronousFileChannel. In Java 7, there is 
>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>> AsynchronousSocketChannel which could theoretically be used instead of
>>>>>>>> adding Netty for a faster socket appender. In that regard, I'm curious 
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> to how useful it would be to have similar appenders as the OutputStream
>>>>>>>> ones, but instead using WritableByteChannel, GatheringByteChannel 
>>>>>>>> (possible
>>>>>>>> parallelization of file writing?), and the async channels (there's an
>>>>>>>> AsynchronousByteChannel class, but I think they screwed this one up as 
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> one of the three async channel classes implements it).
>>>>>>>> Another related issue I've seen is that in a message-oriented
>>>>>>>> appender (e.g., the Kafka one), being able to stream directly to a
>>>>>>>> ByteBuffer is not the right way to go about encoding log messages into 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> appender. Instead, I was thinking that a pool of reusable ByteBuffers 
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> be used here where a ByteBuffer is borrowed on write and returned on
>>>>>>>> completion (via a CompletionHandler callback). The Kafka client uses a
>>>>>>>> similar strategy for producing messages by dynamically allocating a 
>>>>>>>> pool of
>>>>>>>> ByteBuffers based on available memory.
>>>>>>>> Also, I don't have much experience with this, but if we had a pool
>>>>>>>> of reusable ByteBuffers, could we use direct allocation to get off-heap
>>>>>>>> buffers? That seems like an interesting use case.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker <>
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Matt Sicker <>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Matt Sicker <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Matt Sicker <>
>>>> --
>>>> Matt Sicker <>
>>> --
>>> Matt Sicker <>
> --
> Matt Sicker <>

Matt Sicker <>

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