We will have to modify log4j-slf4j-impl to support the new binding mechanism. I 
know it uses service loader but I haven’t looked at the details. I looked at 
service loader when I created the binding between our api and core but decided 
not to use it because I wanted to also include the logic to match API versions. 
So what we have is something similar to service loader but it doesn’t use it.


> On Apr 7, 2017, at 8:07 AM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So how shall we go about handling this?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: QOS.ch annoucements <annou...@qos.ch <mailto:annou...@qos.ch>>
> Date: 7 April 2017 at 05:46
> Subject: [qos.ch-announce] Release of SLF4J version 1.8.0-alpha0
> To: annou...@qos.ch <mailto:annou...@qos.ch>
> Java 9 modularization
> =====================
> I  am  pleased  to  announce SLF4J  1.8.0-alpha0,  a  modularized
> version of  slf4j compatible  with Java 9  and in  particular its
> Java Platform Module System (JSR 376), a.k.a project Jigsaw.
> Although there are  no client facing API  changes in 1.8.0-alpha0
> release, the static binding mechanism has been abandoned in favor
> of java.util.ServiceLoader introduced in  Java 6. It follows that
> slf4j-api  now requires  Java 6.  Just as  importantly, slf4j-api
> version 1.8.x  will no  longer search for  the StaticLoggerBinder
> class.
> Instead of  "bindings" now slf4j-api looks  for "providers" which
> ship   with    slf4j-nop-1.8.x.jar,   slf4j-simple-1.8.x.jar   or
> slf4j-jdk14-1.8.x.jar.
> Given that in some environments, it is not possible to modify the
> version  of  slf4j-api,  slf4j  1.8.x  "providers"  also  act  as
> 1.7.x/1.6.x "bindings".
> For       example,      having       slf4j-api-1.8.x.jar      and
> slf4j-simple-1.7.x.jar on  the class path will  NOT work, whereas
> having  slf4j-api-1.7.x.jar  and  slf4j-simple-1.8.x.jar  on  the
> class path will work fine.
> In other words:
> slf4j-api-1.8.x.jar + slf4j-simple-1.7.x.jar ==> "No SLF4J
> providers found" warning
> whereas:
> slf4j-api-1.7.x.jar + slf4j-simple-1.8.x.jar ==> OK
> Download
> ========
> The relevant artifacts can be obtained via the Maven central
> repository.
> OSGi changes
> ============
> While  we expect  the changes  introduced in  SLF4J 1.8.x  to be
> rather   transparent   to   users,   given   JPMS   restrictions,
> implementations had to be moved from the org.slf4.impl package to
> packages  specific  to  each  provider.  Consequently,  the  OSGi
> declarations in MANIFEST.MF files had  to be modified.  Our tests
> indicate  that   SLF4J  version  1.8.x  should   work  fine  with
> OSGi. However, more in depth testing  is in order. We are looking
> for volunteers for such tests.
> The slf4j-log4j12 module
> ========================
> Due to technical reasons,  slf4j-log4j12 could not be modularized
> in  this alpha0  release. However,  we expect  the problem  to be
> solved in future 1.8.x releases.
> Announcement mailing list
> =========================
> You can receive SLF4J related announcements by subscribing to the
> SLF4J announce mailing list. To subscribe to QOS.ch announce list,
> please visit the following URL.
>    http://www.qos.ch/mailman/listinfo/announce 
> <http://www.qos.ch/mailman/listinfo/announce>
> You may also receive announcements via twitter:
>    https://twitter.com/qos_ch <https://twitter.com/qos_ch>
> Enjoy,
> -- 
> Ceki Gülcü
> _______________________________________________
> announce mailing list
> annou...@qos.ch <mailto:annou...@qos.ch>
> http://mailman.qos.ch/mailman/listinfo/announce 
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> -- 
> Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com <mailto:boa...@gmail.com>>

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