
Roman Leventov commented on LOG4J2-928:

I've implemented mostly lock-free MemoryMappedFileManager. This change is local 
yet, because it depends on LOG4J2-1874. You can assign this issue to me.

Comments on some questions raised above:

> Needs the Unsafe. java.nio.ByteBuffer only provides relative, not absolute 
> bulk put operations.

It is not needed, however it requires to copy data from local buffer to 
MappedByteBuffer in a presumably slow byte-by-byte manner:
        private void copyToMappedBuffer(final byte[] bytes, int offset, int 
length, int bufferOffset) {
            MappedByteBuffer mappedBuffer = this.mappedBuffer;
            // As long as we cannot use sun.misc.Unsafe and even wrap bytes as 
ByteBuffer, and duplicate mappedBuffer
            // (because we don't want to create garbage), copy byte-by-byte is 
the only option left.
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                mappedBuffer.put(bufferOffset + i, bytes[offset + i]);

> TBD: How many files/buffers to use? ...

I agree that it is not needed, since Log4j is responsible only for appending 
logic. The change doesn't introduce background threads and preserves the 
current MemoryMappedFileManager's 32-MB buffer rotation logic. The actual 
rotation (and unmapping the previous buffer) is done exclusively by one of 
regular writer threads which "wins" this right via a compare-and-swap update of 
some variable.

> Lock-free synchronous sub-microsecond appender
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: LOG4J2-928
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG4J2-928
>             Project: Log4j 2
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Appenders
>            Reporter: Remko Popma
> _(This is a work in progress.)_
> *Goal*
> It should be possible to create synchronous file appenders with (nearly) the 
> same performance as async loggers.
> *Background*
> The key to the async loggers performance is the lock-free queue provided by 
> the LMAX Disruptor. Multiple threads can add events to this queue without 
> contending on a lock. This means throughput scales linearly with the number 
> of threads: more threads = more throughput.
> With a lock-based design, on the other hand, performance maxes out with a 
> single thread logging. Adding more threads does not help. In fact, total 
> logging throughput goes down slightly when multiple threads are logging (see 
> the Async Appenders in the [async performance 
> comparison|http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/async.html#Asynchronous_Throughput_Comparison_with_Other_Logging_Packages]).
>  Lock contention means that multiple threads together end up logging slower 
> than a single thread.
> *Currently only async loggers are lock-free*
> Log4j2 provides good performance with async loggers, but this approach has 
> several drawbacks:
> * dependency on external LMAX disruptor library
> * possibility of data loss: log events that have been put on the queue but 
> not flushed to disk yet may be lost in the event of an application crash
> This ticket proposes a new feature to address these issues.
> *Proposal: a lock-free synchronous appender*
> For a single-threaded application the current MemoryMappedFileAppender has 
> performance comparable to Async Loggers (TODO: perf test).
> However, the current implementation uses locks to control concurrency, and 
> suffers from lock contention in multi-threaded scenarios.
> For inspiration for a lock-free solution, we can look at 
> [Aeron|https://github.com/real-logic/Aeron], specifically Aeron's design for 
> Log Buffers. Martin Thompson's September 2014 Strangeloop 
> [presentation|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM4YskS94b0] gives details on 
> the design (especially the section 16:45-23:30 is relevant).
> The way this works, is that instead of using locks, concurrency is handled 
> with a protocol where threads "reserve" blocks of memory atomically. Each 
> thread (having serialized the log event) knows how many bytes it wants to 
> write. It then atomically moves the buffer tail pointer by that many bytes 
> using a CAS operation. After the tail has been moved, the thread is free to 
> write the message payload bytes to the area of the buffer that it just 
> reserved, without needing to worry about other threads. Between threads, the 
> only point of contention is the tail pointer, which is similar to the 
> disruptor. We can reasonably expect performance to scale linearly with the 
> number threads, like async loggers.
> *Still needs work*
> This looks promising, but there are a few snags. 
> # Needs the Unsafe. {{java.nio.ByteBuffer}} only provides relative, not 
> absolute bulk put operations. That is, it only allows appending byte arrays 
> at the current cursor location, not at some user-specified absolute location. 
> The above design requires random access to be thread-safe. Aeron works around 
> this by using {{sun.misc.Unsafe}}. Users should be aware of this so they can 
> decide on whether the performance gain is worth the risk. Also, this may make 
> the OSGi folks unhappy (see LOG4J2-238 discussion)... Not sure how serious we 
> are about making Log4j2 work on OSGi, but perhaps it is possible to mark the 
> package for this feature as optional in the OSGi manifest. An alternative may 
> be to put this appender in a separate module.
> # TBD: How many files/buffers to use? In his presentation Martin mentions 
> that using a single large memory mapped file will cause a lot of page faults, 
> page cache churn, and unspecified VM issues. He recommends cycling between 
> three smaller buffers, one active (currently written to), one dirty (full, 
> now being processed by a background thread) and one clean (to swap in when 
> the active buffer becomes full). I am not sure if the page fault problem will 
> occur for our use case: a Log4j appender is append-only, and there is no 
> separate thread or process reading this data at the same time. If it does, 
> and we decide on a similar design with three smaller buffers, we still need 
> to work out if these can be three different mapped regions in the same log 
> file, or if it is better to use a separate temporary file and copy from the 
> temporary file to the target log file in a background thread. I would prefer 
> to have a single file. Note that even with a single file we may want a 
> background thread for mapping a new region at every swap and occasionally 
> extending the file when the EOF is reached.
> Feedback welcome. I intend to update this ticket as I learn more.

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