Check out the way I set things up for Barracuda, a Servlet Presentation 

docs are here

Basically, it uses a Log4jInit servlet which loads on startup.  The 
Log4jInit servlet is located in a utility packaged called "plankton".  It 
can be used outside the context of Barracuda itself.  Check out Barracuda's 
web.xml for instructions on configuration.  You can specify the path to the 
config file (normally this is relative to the context's own WEB-INF 
directory), a time frame for config reloading using configureAndWatch(), 
and, optionally, a the location of the log file you want (actually the path 
would be stored in a system variable generated by the servlet which stores 
this as its default, a physical path to your context is 
dynamically generated which is ...yourContext/WEB-INF/logs).  Note that you 
should probably not specify the path to the log file since it is 
automatically conveniently located within the WEB-INF/logs directory of 
your own webapp.  The only times you would want to specify it is when 
either you *really* want it in another location or you are running your 
context directly from a .war file, in which case there would be no 
filesystem access to WEB-INF/logs.

Barracuda uses a log4j.xml config file.  In it, you can specify the 
dynamically generated system variable which contains the path to where your 
log4j logs will be kept.  Then you can name them there.  For example:

<appender name="A2" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
         <param name="File" value="${Barracuda.log.home}/main.log" />
         <param name="Append" value="false" />
         <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
             <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - 

Note the system variable reference to "${Barracuda.log.home}".  The naming 
convention is [name of your context].log.home.  This make sure that the 
system variable is unique since the name of your context must be 
unique.  The context name is calculated automatically by the Log4jInit 
servlet.  You can now name the log4j file anything you want.

This method is extremely flexible and covers just about any case you can 
come up with for configuration.  It supports both xml and properties files 
for configuration and falls back to BasicConfigurator if the path specified 
to the config file is invalid.

<plug>Also, while you are at it, you might want to check out the rest of 
the Barracuda Presentation Framework.  It is very powerful and a cleaner 
alternative to the JSP and competes with frameworks like Struts.</plug>



At 12:17 PM 7/11/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>I want to provide the log file name at initialising of a servlet as I want
>to provide a relative path to the file. All the properties for logging are
>set in the config file apart from the file name.when I provide the file name
>at runtime the file gets created but nothing gets logged on as the
>Propertycongigure pick only those property listed in the config file.
>I tried using a system environment variable to indicate the path in the
>config file but it creates the file default in c:\.
>Could anyone pls suggest a solution how to give relative path to the log
>  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Karishma Vinayak <?xml:namespace
>prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
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