I just changed my configuration of the RollingFileAppernder a little bit

<appender name = "RollingDatei" class =
        <param name = "Append" value = "true" />
        <param name = "maxFileSize" value = "3KB" />
        <param name = "maxBackupIndex" value = "3" /> 
        <param name = "File" value =
"o:\\Mp_safir\\umgebung\\Log4J-Test\\RollingLog4J.log" />
        <layout class = "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
                <param name = "ConversionPattern" value = "%d{dd.MM.yyyy
HH:mm:ss} %-5p: [%m]%n" />

Now it actually creates 1 backup-file when the max-size is reached. The
first one is called "RollingLog4J.log.1", which is fine. But when a
second backup-file should be created, it seems as if the previous backup
just gets trashed or cleared, and in the end I only have the log-file
and the second backup-file called "RollingLog4J.2" ...
How can I save more than 1 backup-file?
And I still can't create a proper backup of the daily-rolling-file, at
last when I try to test it with changing the system-date. 

Any ideas? Thanks,



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