
What is the architecture? In the following text everything seems to be
a server, so it is not easy to understand your architecture nor your
question. Can you please clarify?

At 13:15 26.07.2002 +0200, peter riegersperger wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>hi all!
>we are working on a distributed application (running on multiple
>servers) that should facilitate a remote logging system.
>that centralized logging should go into one logfile (since the
>servers actions are highly dependend on each other), so i figured the
>mdc would be the way to distinguish log entries from different
>servers. smart? nope. the mdc of the logentries gets replaced by the
>mdc from the logging server. if, for example, the remote server sets
>MDC.put("hostname","host1"), and the logging server sets
>MDC.put("hostname","loggingserver"), all entries from the remote
>server are tagged with hostname=loggingserver.
>after reading the javadoc, this behaviour sounds reasonable (since
>the socketnode treats all incoming logging events as local).
>i imagine that i'm not the only one developing for a distributed
>system. so, how do you tackle the problem of tagging your log
>any input welcome!


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