
have you read HTTP:// also? 
Should help your needs.

Frank-Olaf Lohmann

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30.07.2002  03.07 Uhr >>>
I start using Log4j from 1.2beta4
Bay the way, I really like it and even wrote little article to convince
colleagues use Lo4j instead of home-grown System.out's 

Idea of configuring from environment (vs. from main entry point) vital for
me - some of my projects have multiple entry point like Servlets and console
apps in same project.
I fail to find way in 1.2beta4 to "configureAndWatch" using Default
Initialization.. So, quick fix it by writing my WatchConfigurator expecting
something like it embedded in 1.2 or later version.

I guess it was wrong assumption at least I didn't find how to do it from
documentation and mailing list ARChives
except this idea 
to put it into config file (that is way better than my solution).

So, do I miss something or this problem not solved?

PS: if it's the case welcome to use/modify code below.

package org.apache.log4j;

import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
 * <p>Title: WatchConfigurator Extends {@link PropertyConfigurator} to
enable PropertyWatchdog functionality for Default Initialization </p>
 * <p>Description: use
 * to avoid server start/stop for configuration reload </p>
 * <p>Example:  -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/conf/
 * <p>Copyleft: Roga and Copyta 2002</p>
 * @author Sergey Pomtykin
 * @version 0.1
public class WatchConfigurator extends PropertyConfigurator{
public static final String INHERITED ="inherited";
  public void doConfigure( configURL, LoggerRepository
hierarchy) {
      String configFilename =   configURL.getFile();
      LogLog.debug("got file name from URL\"" + configFilename +"\" ");
      PropertyWatchdog pdog = new PropertyWatchdog(configFilename);
      String del = System.getProperty("log4j.configuration.delay");
      long delay =3;
      if (del!=null) {
        try {
          delay = Long.parseLong(del);
        }catch (Exception ex) {/*forget it*/
          LogLog.error("log4j.configuration.delay mast be valid long
      LogLog.debug("delay set to \"" + delay +"\" ");

Sergey Pomytkin
cell 425 241 2782
desk 425 288 7127

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