Use Jim Moore's LoggingOutputStream. You'll find it in his log4j contrib directory in 
the release. The javadoc describes how to use it to redirect System.out and System.err.

Best regards,
Jim Cakalic

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Saxtoft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 4:17 AM
Subject: Catching uncaught exceptions

This is really two problems, but since it is concerned with logging I give you both.

We have created a Java client, and now we wish to log all uncaught exceptions. As it 
is now exceptions thrown in threads and other uncaught exceptions are written to 
standard error out I believe.
I think that I could redirect all exceptions to another output, but here is the second 
problem. I would like to write all these exceptions to a logger.

So my two problems are:
1. How do I catch all uncaught exceptions?
2. And how do I write them to a logger?

Thank you,

Thomas Saxtoft

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