Try the LoggingOutputStream class in the contribs/JimMoore folder of the log4j 
release. I've had pretty good success with it. Once you have it in your project 
(you'll probably want to put it in one of your util or helper packages) usage is 
simple, as described in the javadoc:

// make sure everything sent to System.err is logged
Logger err = Logger.getLogger("SystemErr");
Priority warn = Priority.WARN;
System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LoggingOutputStream(err, warn), true));

// make sure everything sent to System.out is logged
Logger out = Logger.getLogger("SystemOut");
Priority info = Priority.INFO;
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LoggingOutputStream(out, info), true));

Logging events are recorded using the appenders and layouts defined in your 
configuration. The category/logger that will appear is SystemErr for anything written 
to System.err and SystemOut for whatever is written to System.out. 

Best regards,
Jim Cakalic

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Ebersole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 9:52 PM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: How to redirect System.err and System.out to log4j?

You would need to wrap a Logger in a PrintStream, and then do:

System.out = new MyPrintStreamWrappedLogger();


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zsolt Koppany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Log4j-User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 3:49 PM
Subject: How to redirect System.err and System.out to log4j?

> Hi,
> how can I redirect System.err and System.out to a log4j appender? In an
> existing application there are System.out.println() instructions that I
> would like to see in the log4j file. How can I do that?
> Zsolt
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