Hi Ricardo,

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 19:58, Ricardo Trindade wrote:
> Hi,
>       I'm using logfactor5, and I'm wondering if it's possible to embed the
> logfactor5 or chainsaw swing panel inside my application.

I can speak for Chainsaw, as one of the developers of it, I'll defer to
someone else with more LF5 experience to comment on it.

Depends what you mean by embed?  What did you have in mind?

>       I'm also wondering if it's possible to use SocketHubAppender with
> chainsaw/lf5 with the 1.2.8 release.

To be honest I can't remember what Chainsaw does in the 1.2.8 version!
(and I'm one of the Chainsaw developers.)   I'm not sure it can, I think
it was more of an accepting-connections style, rather than making

The latest version in CVS certainly can, it does via the Receiver
concept.  There is a SocketHubReceiver that can be configured which
effectively creates connections to your SocketHubAppender (there should
be complimentary Receiver's for each network based Appender in the
latest CVS).

I'd recommend trying out the latest CVS HEAD version where Chainsaw v2
is currently on the back straight for completion, it's very stable (been
using it myself for months).  

Try checking out the jakarta-log4j module from CVS, and running "ant
chainsaw" (copy the build.properties.sample to suit your needs)


Paul Smith

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