hi roques,

    when using the configureAndWatch( String configFilename, long delay)
the required delay can be set instead of going for the default delay.
what do u say?


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 7:31 PM
> To:   'Log4J Users List'
> Subject:      improving PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch
> Hi!
> log4j is great, but I think that
> PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(String configFilename) is not good
> enough for
> dynamic modification, as you have to wait until the delay so that your
> modification are taken into account.
> So I imagine a solution: to put a *very* little FTP server in the
> application on a particular port (example:2100).
> When you put a file on this server, the file is not saved on disk, but
> sent
> to PropertyConfigurator, so that modifications of the configu are taken
> into
> account immediatly. (You can log with any username and password)
> (Some text editor have embedded FTP client, so it can be very easy to
> change
> the log4j configuration with them)
> I have coded this little FTP server, so if you want to use it, all you
> have
> to do is:
>               PropertyConfigurator.configure("myconf.properties"); // As
> usually
>               new FTPServer(2100, "myconf.properties"); // Launch the
> server on the 2100
> Note that when you put some files on the FTP server, data are *not* saved
> to
> disk. It's only sent to log4j PropertyConfigurator. (You can also get the
> last config from the FTP server).
> Please free to improve it, or to integrate it in next version of log4j!
> Arnaud Roques
> FTPServer.java file:
> ------------------------
> import java.io.*;
> import java.net.*;
> import java.util.*;
> import org.apache.log4j.*;
> public class FTPServer extends Thread
> {
>       ServerSocket server;
>       ArrayList data;
>       FTPServer(int port, String fileName) throws Exception
>       {
>               data = new ArrayList();
>               File f = new File(fileName);
>               BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
>               String s;
>               while ((s=br.readLine())!=null)
>                       data.add(s);
>               server = new ServerSocket(port);
>               System.err.println("FTP Server on " +
> InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()+" "+port);
>               start();
>       }
>       public void run()
>       {
>               try
>               {
>                       while (true)
>                       {
>                               Socket client = server.accept(); // when the
> signal arrives, the server
> build a new socket in order to communicate witht the client
>                               Thread session = new FTPSession(client,
> data);
>                               session.start();
>                       }
>               }
>               catch (IOException e)
>               {
>                       e.printStackTrace();
>               }
>       }
> }
> class FTPSession extends Thread
> {
>     private PrintWriter out;
>     private BufferedReader in;
>     private String dataHost;
>     private int dataPort = -1;
>       private ArrayList data;
>     public FTPSession(Socket s, ArrayList data)
>     {
>               this.data = data;
>         try
>         {
>             in = new BufferedReader(new
> InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
>             out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true);
>         }
>         catch (Exception e)
>         {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>         }
>     }
>     int reply(int code, String text)
>       {
>       out.println(code + " " + text);
>       return code;
>       }
>     //
>     // The run method...
>     //
>     public void run()
>     {
>               reply(220, "log4j FTP server");
>               try
>               {
>                       while (true)
>                       {
>                               String response =
> in.readLine().toUpperCase();
>                               if (response.startsWith("USER"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(331, "Password required");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("PASS"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(230, "Logged in.");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("SYST"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(215, "javaFTP");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("TYPE"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(200, "Type OK");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("PORT"))
>                               {
>                                       String portStr =
> response.substring(response.indexOf(' ')+1);
>                                       StringTokenizer st = new
> StringTokenizer(portStr, ",");
>                                       String h1 = st.nextToken();
>                                       String h2 = st.nextToken();
>                                       String h3 = st.nextToken();
>                                       String h4 = st.nextToken();
>                                       int p1 =
> Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
>                                       int p2 =
> Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
>                                       String dataHost = h1 + "." + h2 +
> "." + h3 + "." + h4;
>                                       int dataPort = (p1 << 8) | p2;
>                                       setDataPort(dataHost, dataPort);
>                                       reply(200, "Port OK");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("MODE"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(200, "Mode OK");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("STRU"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(200, "Stru OK");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("PWD"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(257, "/");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("CWD"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(250, "CWD command
> successful.");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("QUIT"))
>                               {
>                                       reply(221, "Goodbye");
>                                       return;
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("RETR"))
>                               {
>                                       Socket dataSocket = new
> Socket(dataHost, dataPort);
>                                       PrintWriter writer = new
> PrintWriter(dataSocket.getOutputStream());
>                                       reply(150, "Opening connection");
>                                       for (int i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
>                                       {
> writer.print((String)data.get(i));
>                                               writer.print("\r\n");
>                                       }
>                                       writer.flush();
>                                       writer.close();
>                                       reply(226, "Transfer complete.");
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("STOR"))
>                               {
>                                       Socket dataSocket = new
> Socket(dataHost, dataPort);
>                                       BufferedReader br = new
> BufferedReader(
>                                               new
> InputStreamReader(dataSocket.getInputStream()));
>                                       reply(150, "Opening connection");
>                                       String s;
>                                       data.clear();
>                                       StringBuffer sb = new
> StringBuffer();
>                                       while ((s=br.readLine())!=null)
>                                       {
>                                               data.add(s);
>                                               sb.append(s);
>                                               sb.append('\n');
>                                       }
>                                       br.close();
>                                       reply(226, "Transfer complete.");
>                                       Properties prop = new Properties();
>                                       prop.load(new
> ByteArrayInputStream(sb.toString().getBytes()));
>                                       // Send data to log4J
> PropertyConfigurator.configure(prop);
>                               }
>                               else if (response.startsWith("LIST"))
>                               {
>                                       Socket dataSocket = new
> Socket(dataHost, dataPort);
>                                       PrintWriter writer = new
> PrintWriter(dataSocket.getOutputStream());
>                                       reply(150, "Opening connection");
>                                       writer.print("total 0\r\n");
> writer.print("LOG4J.properties\r\n");
>                                       writer.flush();
>                                       writer.close();
>                                       reply(226, "Transfer complete.");
>                               }
>                               else
>                               {
>                                       reply(500, "Not supported");
>                               }
>                       }
>               }
>               catch(Exception e)
>               {
>                       e.printStackTrace();
>               }
>     }
>     public void setDataPort(String host, int port)
>     {
>       dataHost = host;
>       dataPort = port;
>     }
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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