> Is it possible to put envirinment variables into the configuration file?

Not as far as I know.

> The reason I ask is that I develop on a windows machine, and deploy onto
> a linux, so the paths where I want to store the logs are differant.
> If it is not possible, does anyone have a suggestion for how to do this.

I've solved something similar it in a more generic fashion, maybe it is useful: 
PropertyConfiguration is a class that tries to find properties files based on 
systemname, applicationname and username. For example if your system is "PC1", 
the application is "myapp" and the current user is "justme", it tries to load 
any the following property files:
- configuration.properties
- configuration_myapp.properties
- configuration_PC1.properties
- configuration_justme.properties
- configuration_myapp_justme.properties
- configuration_myapp_justme.properties
- configuration_myapp_PC1_justme.properties

It will load all files it find within the classpath (so if it finds 3 of the 
set it will load all 3). 

Next you can "get" a property by name, it tries to solve the property bottom 
up, so starting with the most detailled name. This method allows you to place 
configuration parameters in the appropriate context, and override configuration 
parameters based on the context (e.g. user X would like to have a blue 

The approach to your problem would be to have two configuration files, in each 
file a property named "log4j.configurationfile" is present pointing to the 
actual configuration file for that system. 
- configuration_PC.properties
- configuration_Linux.properties

The correct value will be return automatically, and that can be used to 
configure log4j.

Thinking about it, I probably should add the "operating system name" as one of 
the "parameters" next to system, application and user name.


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