You need to do a LogManager.shutdown() upon application shutdown.  That will 
solve problems with Log4j keeping handles on files.  Use a Servlet Context 
Listener for this.


Quoting Antony Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
>     I am using Tomcat 4.1.27 + log4j 1.2.8+Win2k sp4. I have some problems
> with it.
> 1, Log4j locks the log file so that I  cannot clear the content of the file.
> After some time I want to delete old debugging data while development.
> Currently I am doing it by shutting down Tomcat. It is time consuming job.
> 2, After a context reload in Tomcat, if anyting is written to log the editor
> dont say that the file is changed.  It is not changing the last modified
> date of the log file.
>     log4j jar file is in application's  WEB-INF\classes\lib directory.
> is in WEB-INF\classes
>     No initialisation servlet is there.
>     Some questions
> 1, What is the SSS in the ConversionPattern means ?
> 2, Is it necessary to initialise log4j through a servlet ?.
> rgds
> Antony Paul.
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