I found a note saying that this can't be used with the XML config file
(DOMConfigurer).  Is that still the case?

James Stauffer

-----Original Message-----
From: Rabl, Christian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 4:41 AM
Subject: FallbackErrorHandler: Empty method body

I tried to configure a fallback appender in my log4j configuration using the
FallbackErrorHandler class, 
and was surprised that not any log event was sent to my fallback appender. 
On debugging my test app I discovered that the implementation of the method

        void error(String message, Exception e, int errorCode, LoggingEvent

from the Errorhandler interface, which replaces the original appender with
the fallback appender, 
was never called.

In the source code of the 1.2.8 distribution I found the following method
with an empty body:

        public  void error(String message)

But that method is called for example twice in
I assume the method body should look like that:

        public  void error(String message) {
                error( message, null, 0, null );

Christian Rabl

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